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Spiritual Christian Unity

Worldwide Prayer Group


 "Praying for Christian unity 

in love and holiness together in Jesus"

The guidelines for this healing prayer forum are pretty simple. We simply ask that when you write your prayer here asking God to heal you or your loved one, that you say something to show you will at least *try* to believe that God will do this healing for God's purpose that all believers may be one in the love and holiness of Jesus, Himself. This helps us pray with stronger belief on your behalf.

You see, we believe the oneness Jesus commanded us believers to have together, is His command for us to unite our hearts in love with all other believers, and to unite in our agreement together that His holiness is freely given to us all, including believers in all Christian denominations and groups, through a life-changing process that begins with faith in Him for forgiveness of our sins in repentance. We believe that Jesus gave us His own glory that we may be one, and we ask God to show the glory of His power to work your miracle healing, that we may be one in this way, in the love and holiness that only Jesus gives to us all. We believe He'll do your miracle in order to show you, and the whole world, His tremendous love for you, too, so all can join in, and learn to believe in the eternal life in love and holiness God freely offers to give you and everyone else, "whosoever believeth" in Jesus (John 3:16).

Here below, are just a few suggestions to give you some ideas of how you might include in your prayer to God some mention of this oneness in Jesus. You may want to make a vow about what you will do later for this kind of spiritual unity of all Christians in love and holiness, after God proves it to you; a vow you will perform after God does the healing miracle for which you ask Him. Your vow could be something as simple as promising to return here to this website to tell of the healing after it happens, and to say then, after your healing takes place, whether you have truly come to realize that God did the healing for the purpose of Christian unity.

Or you could say now, even before your healing, something about how you will try to believe God will perform your miracle so that He can show His glory in it, when believers of different Christian faith groups join together to pray with Jesus, Himself, that we may be one in His holiness and love.

These words shown above are all just suggestions to think and pray about. There are any number of words, or ways, you might choose to say the same, simple thing: that you will try to believe your healing miracle will be done by God for the purpose of unity in Jesus: for unity in the increasing mutual love and personal holiness into which all believers in Jesus are called together.

Start your prayer from scratch if you like, and write it all in your own words. Or if you prefer, you can use one of our starter prayers, as is, and fill in the blank for your specific healing miracle. You are welcome to change it wherever you want to use your own words.

Whether our words or yours, use whatever words you can truly believe as you pray, and try to give us something to believe with you about the kind of Christian unity that we already agree in here at this website. If you can do this for us, to help us believe with you for the sake of all believers, for all believers now and those to come, in every Christian denomination and group, then we believe that in the name of Jesus, God is guaranteed to do the healing miracle for which we pray together with each other, and with you.

This guarantee is not of us, or of our faith, which may be far from perfect. We may not believe as strongly as we should. The Bible says there were places where even Jesus, Himself, did not do many deeds of power there, because of their unbelief, so we can only promise to believe with you as best we can. God continually calls us all to have ever more faith in Him than we have now.

The guarantee that God will answer your prayer is not in us, but in God's love to you in Jesus, which we pray for God to show now by His doing the miraculous healing you seek. God is deeply and eagerly willing to show you His unmatched and astounding love for you, so the whole world can see it. We pray that God uses your miracle to show the world the very best guarantee of His amazing love given to us all in Jesus, which can be seen continually in remembering the cross; seen there in His broken body, and in His own life's blood poured out for your sake and for ours, showing for certain that He gives everything He has, to draw you and us together as one in His eternal love and holiness, now and forever.

"Lord Jesus, we pray that we, your believers, be united as you and the Father are united. In every prayer here for unity and healing, in all we do and say, may the Lord's will in, with and through Jesus Christ be done. AMEN"

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