23 October 2024, 05:07 PM
Pastor IversonEndless Prayer for Church Unity Part 19
Endless Prayer for Church Unity Part 19
Father we come to the Throne Room by the Blood of Jesus, Father we love you, Jesus we love you, Holy Spirit we love you, we enter into Christ’s rest, by the Blood of Jesus we see the glory that covers the Face of the Father, we see our Lord Jesus Christ seated next to God the Father praying for us, we see the Seven Burning Flames which is the Holy Spirit, We see the seven lampstands which is the Church, by faith we flow in the Intercession of the Holy Spirit, therefore we flow in the Intercession of our Lord Jesus Christ…
Father, Son, Holy Spirit ae one, the Trinity is one, and the Church is one. Christ brought union between us and God, we have unity, oneness, and union in the Body of Christ.
Through the Blood of Jesus, through the Finish Works of Christ, and through the death, buried, and resurrection of Christ; we have unity and oneness in the Body of Christ.
We are seated with Christ next to God the Father in the Third Heaven Throne Room, we are in unity and oneness in Heaven; therefore we are in unity and oneness on earth.
Father we pray for clouds of revival and unity to hover over the Church throughout the earth.
We soaked by faith in the presence of God and unity in the Church.
Father we pray for the rain of the Holy Spirit and revival and unity throughout the Church.
We soaked by faith in the presence of God and unity in the Church.
Father we pray for floods of the Holy Spirit, floods of the presence of God, floods of the glory of God, floods of revivals, and floods of unity in the Church.
We soaked by faith in the presence of God and unity in the Church.
Father we pray for waves of the presence of God, waves of the glory of God, waves of signs and wonders, waves of revivals, and waves of unity in the Church.
We soaked by faith in the presence of God and unity in the Church.
Father we pray for rivers of the presence of God, rivers of the glory of God, rivers of healing, rivers of revivals, and rivers of unity in the church.
We soaked by faith in the presence of God and unity in the Church.
Father fill and overflow and pour the presence of God, the glory of God, revivals, and unity in the church.
We soaked by faith in the presence of God and unity in the Church.
Father fill and pour the presence of God, the glory of God, revivals, healing rivers, and signs and wonders upon every nation, every region, every city and upon the church.
We soaked by faith in the presence of God and unity in the Church.
Father we pray great increase of the Kingdom of God to come in our decade, generation and time.
We soaked by faith in the presence of God and unity in the Church.
Father we pray great increase of the church comes in our decade, generation, and time.
We soaked by faith in the presence of God and unity in the Church.
Father we pray great increase of the unity of faith in the church in our decade, generation, and time.
We soaked by faith in the presence of God and unity in the Church.
Father we pray for restoration of all things in our decade, generation, and time.
We soaked by faith in the presence of God and unity in the Church.
Father we pray for the healing of the nations in our decade, generation, and time.
We soaked by faith in the presence of God and unity in the Church.
Father we pray for restoration of many generations in our decade, generation, and time.
We soaked by faith in the presence of God and unity in the Church.
Father we pray for restoration of generational blessings in our decade, generation, and our time.
We soaked by faith in the presence of God and unity in the Church.
Father we pray restore the hearts of the fathers to the sons, and restore the hearts of the sons to the fathers in our decade, generation, and time.
We soaked by faith in the presence of God and unity in the Church.
Father we pray for the unity and oneness of the church around the world, we pray in the name of Jesus, Amen.