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-‘X’- ‘Xceptional Unity, by Brother ___’X’___

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13 February 2023, 03:13 PM
Tom (Jn.17:21) M.
-‘X’- ‘Xceptional Unity, by Brother ___’X’___
Please note the following is an excerpt from “Jesus’ Prayer from A to Z”, of which I’m Editor.


‘Xceptional Unity, by Brother ___’X’___

(‘X’, Brother - Mystery writer - Can you correctly guess the identity? Send $5. with your best guess to: Fellowship of John 17:21 - Box 353 - Granville, OH 43023. Right or wrong, we’ll send you a CD of one of the best sermons on unity you’ll ever hear. And if your guess is correct, we’ll even send your $5. back! Everyone’s a winner!)

Did it ever occur to you that the unity for which Jesus prayed might come, and we would not recognize it? The wind blows where it wills; you hear the sound of it, but you do not know where it comes from, or where it is going. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit. (John 3:8) Could this also be true of that unity which is born of the Spirit? You cannot tell by observation when the Kingdom of God comes. There will be no one saying, “Look, here it is! or there it is!” for in fact, the Kingdom of God is among you. (Luke 17:20,21) Is it possible that the unity of the kingdom will be like the kingdom itself: Will it be in us, and dwell among us in a very real sense, but free from show and overt demonstration?

In the midst of the maelstrom of activity with the hum of party machinery and the buzz of political maneuvering, I seem to hear the whisper of a still small voice from the bygone centuries, warning as of yore, If they tell you, “He is there in the wilderness,” do not go out; or if they say, “He is there in the inner room,” do not believe it. (Matthew 24:26) The unity for which Jesus prayed is not a project of conventions, nor a product of councils. It cannot be drafted, dictated or documented. It cannot be voted in, voted out, or even voted on There will come no hour when men can affix their signatures to a declaration and say, “This is it!” externally; it must be enjoyed internally. It is a fruit of the Spirit, and fruit grows naturally from the substance absorbed by deep roots. It is not explosive or exhaustive.

Unity will never come by legislation. It is not the child of conventions, nor the seed of synods. It is not sired by sessions, nor born of boards. Unity cannot be enforced...

When hearts yearn for each other with a deep and abiding affection; when brotherhood is conditioned upon common Fatherhood, and fellowship is recognized as the result of mutual sonship, unity will flow forth as a broad and tranquil stream whose crystal waters are furnished by the bubbling springs of thousands of quiet hearts. Then we will not need to argue every action of every faction, nor debate every minor deviation of every dissident party, but love will triumph over trouble and we shall grow together in the bundle of life with the souls of all the brethren, and we shall be tied with the scarlet line that flowed from our Savior’s lacerated side. This is the unity of the Spirit!

Such unity will continue to grow, although unrecognized by factional proponents who dogmatically insist that it must come only by surrender to them instead of Jesus. It is a unity in depth and will not be attained by shallow compromise. It is a unity of maturity in vision which will offset the childishness of division. It is a unity which will call with compelling voice to the scattered sheep grazing upon the barren slopes of a sterile sectarianism. They will lift up their heads, and listen and hear, and move toward the Shepherd, realizing as they draw closer that there is one flock and one Shepherd (John 10:16), and there can never be more than one. It is the natural unity which belongs to a divine organism and can never be created by a human organization. It is the spirit of unity produced by the unity of the Spirit - and these can never be reversed!

Prayer: Giver of that exceptional unity which only the pure in heart can see and treasure, open our eyes that we may see glimpses of truth that with you agree. Teach us how to live in harmony with the unity of the Spirit, eager to receive all whom you receive in love and holiness of heart. To the praise of your glory and in your name, Lord Jesus, we pray.

Obedient faith in the Word of God is the first principle
upon which relationship with God is established.
“For whosoever shall do the will
of my Father who is in heaven,
the same is my brother and sister and mother.”
- Matthew 12:50

Which Will It Be?

Like a mighty army moves the church of God; Brothers, we are treading where the saints have trod. We are not divided, all one body we—
One in hope and doctrine, one in charity.

Or -

Like a mighty tortoise moves the church of God; Brothers, we are sitting where the saints have trod. We are not united; all divided we;
Torn and rent asunder, lacking charity.

Your choice.

What is the connection between the seen and the unseen unity?

Pray for Xenos
(the stranger/foreigner)…

…The unreached, Hidden Peoples who have no Scriptures in their language

This message has been edited. Last edited by: Tom (Jn.17:21) M.,

Fellowship of John 17:21