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(Starter Prayer, For Those Who Are Willing to *Try* Believing in Jesus) Click the Reply with Quote button (yellow folder symbol with black quotation marks) at the bottom right of this message to get started making your prayer. You can erase all this explanatory writing before you post your prayer. If you later notice a typo that you need to change after you post it, you can always come back later and click the Edit button (folder symbol with a pencil eraser) that will appear at the bottom of your prayer on the forum and make a correction then, if you feel the need to do so. When God grants your prayer for healing, and we want you to know that He certainly will, please make use of this ability to add to your prayer here. Please return and update your own, existing prayer post here, by adding to it, telling the miracle that God did for you, and thanking God publicly here, for the blessing He gives you. God bless you and your loved ones, and deliver you from all evil, in Jesus' holy name. May God also bless you richly for all you do, as our dear, repentant, most beloved Brother or Sister, that we may all be one in Jesus! Amen. This post is made jointly by both SCUWPG Site Administrators, Bro. Mario Attard, OFM Cap, and Tim Warlick, on behalf of the entire Prayer Group. Lord Jesus, we pray that we, your believers, be united as you and the Father are united. Amen www.SpiritualChristianUnity.org (Remove all this top part, above the dotted line, after you click Reply with Quote, and then add your own words to the Prayer shown below. Change it any way you like, to believe it and make it your own.) *********************************************** Dear God in Heaven, I may not know, right now, whether or not I really believe in you like I should, God, but I am desperate to get help and I am giving you a try, to see if you will help in this personal healing miracle that I pray for. If you grant my prayer in this way, I will know that it came from you, God, and I will try from now on to live my life to please you, in return for the love you show me in Jesus. They tell me here, God, that I need to start by believing that Jesus of Nazareth, as told in the Bible, is your Son; and that He lived a perfect life, always obeying you, God. They say that purely out of God's love for me, and others like me, Jesus died on the cross for my sake, in my place, to take away the punishment I deserve for my own sins, so that my sins would not count against me. They also tell me that if I start by believing in what Jesus did for me now, I can repent of my sins, change my mind right now so that I intend to never sin again, and start over again fresh, living my life born again with a new, clean spirit, as if my sins never happened. That sounds like something I could really try to live by, if you are really involved in it, God. I understand that if I make a mistake along the way, and sin in some way in the future, that as long as I sincerely repent when you show it to me, and I admit it and come to you for forgiveness, you will always be there to love and forgive me, for the rest of my life. They tell me that your Holy Spirit will come and live with me here in my heart, and help me learn to be more like Jesus in love and holiness. It's hard to imagine what that would really be like, but they tell me that you will be in my heart and guide me to learn how to live my life to please you, by living in a holy way, without staying in sin all my life; and that you will show me how to love and forgive others, and give me an inner, spiritual peace, within myself. They say that in this way, I can start living with you now in this life, God, and continue to live with you forever, along with all other believers, who all started this same way, by simply believing in your son, Jesus. I will try to believe in Jesus like this, God, while I ask you now to hear and grant this prayer of mine. When you grant this that I pray for here, I will know that it came from you, by my belief in the name of Jesus, in what He did for me on the cross, and I will try to find out more about what I need to do next, to live the rest of my life to please you. When you grant my prayer, I promise I will try to learn more about you by seeking out other Christians to help me understand about you, God, and by learning about you in the Bible. When you grant my prayer, I promise I'll seek to understand what you say in the Bible, and I promise I will find a Christian church, or Christian friend, or a Christian faith group of some kind, to help me learn about you, and learn how to worship you, together with other Christians. I also promise, God, that when you grant my prayer, I will know that it came from you, by my belief on the name of your Son, Jesus, in agreement with all who believe in Jesus. When I talk with others about how you blessed me in answer to my prayer here, I will let them know it was *most especially* because of Christians who unite in believing in Jesus, so I could believe in Him, too. I'll tell them that you answered my prayer along with all kinds of Christians praying with me and believing for me, united as one in believing in Jesus, from a wide variety of Christian denominations, non-denominations, and Christian faith groups, all united in the eternal love and holiness God gives to all believers in Jesus, the same as I am trying to believe in Jesus now. Here is what I pray for, dear God. Please God, <fill in your own words of prayer for healing here> I pray, God that you grant me this that I ask for here, written above, as I continue to try as much as I can, to believe in Jesus. Help my unbelief, God, and help these Christians to believe that I will do what I have vowed here, above, so they can all pray with me, praying with faith that I will do what I say. Let them know that when you do for me what I ask, that my own actions will really give the credit for this healing to Jesus, so others like me can believe in Him, too, and so others learn how much you love us all to do a healing like this for belief in Jesus. If you hear my prayer, God, then you know what I am thinking in my heart, so you know that I do mean what I say here, and I truly do intend to try to do what I have promised in this prayer, when you do for me what I pray for here. God Almighty, please hear my prayer, show me your love and give me what I ask here, and I will do what I vow here, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, Jesus, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.This message has been edited. Last edited by: Tim Warlick, | ||
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