Member Profile for Steve Popoola

Date Registered: 22 April 2004
Title: Member
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Gender: Male
HOMEPAGE URL - Any website you enter in this block for your "Homepage URL" shows in our directory only, not on posts.:
Head Shot / Picture URL: Picture of Steve Popoola  
Location / Country / Region:United Kingdom
Occupation:IT department of a bank
Interests:Reading, writing, games
Biography:I work as a Software Engineer specializing in web technologies. I have an online minitry called the Biblepraise Fellowship Online. The ministry has a list of subscibers from many countries of the world and they recieve the Biblepraise newsletter every Monday. I love to encourage and comfort people especially those who are going through trying times, having been through and still go through some tough times myself.
Do you now believe in Jesus? Please show your answer in the block provided, either "yes" or "will try" (without the quotes).:yes
If you're a believer already, please mention your denomination or church, one or more, or simply show "Christian" (without the quotes). If you're not sure you believe in Jesus, but will try as you pray, please leave this blank.:Evangelical
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