The public is invited to look in as we believers pray these heartfelt prayers together for spiritual Christian unity, written with a scriptural basis and posted here by Prayer Group Members, to be read and prayed again by any and all believers.
All are welcome to view prayers posted by believers from among our Members here, praying for spiritual Christian unity, and written in any prayer style they may choose. Whether many words or few, the spiritual Christian unity you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. We ask all believers to please pray with us to our Lord.
All are invited to enjoy the sweet sounds of our harmony in unison, as believing Members of our Prayer Group post prayers here for spiritual Christian unity, written in any poetic or prosaic form they like, whether poem, prose, song or hymn lyrics, or church liturgy. We especially welcome original works posted by the author. (Please, no copyrighted material without the author's permission).