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Spiritual Christian Unity

Worldwide Prayer Group


 "Praying for Christian unity 

in love and holiness together in Jesus"

Moderators: Pastor Iverson
Stages of Unity
"Site Moderator"
Stages of Unity

We come before you, Father in your very Throne Room by the Blood of Christ. We thank you for the unity of the Godhead; we praise you, for this is the same unity we, the Church, shall have in our future. We worship you for you are worthy, for you are the one who shall bring this to pass, true biblical unity in yourself, in your one Spirit.

Father we thank you for the many seeds of unity, reconciliation, and oneness that are being planted throughout the church in the hearts of many that have been made ready to receive these seeds of spiritual wealth. We praise you Father for those sowers who have been faithful in planting the fields of love and unity in the hearts of those who have been made ready around the world in the body of Christ. We thank you Father for the watering of these seeds in the hearts of the church. We praise you Father that those who plant and those who water are one in Christ.

We worship you Father for you are faithful to give the increase to these seeds of unity that you have planted in our hearts made ready by the Holy Spirit. We worship you Father that you carefully watch over these seeds of unity that have been planted in the hearts of the Church. We worship you Father that these seeds of unity will bear much fruit and glorify you in heaven, for this is the will of God.

Father we thank you, we praise you, and we worship you for the coming harvests of unity around the world in the body of Christ. Father we thank you, we praise you, and we worship you for the fruitful harvests of unity around the world in the body of Christ. Father we pray for our hearts made ready, that you will prune them supernaturally by the Holy Spirit and by grace, then we will bear more fruits of unity.

Father we ask of you that you will make more hearts ready to receive the seeds of unity, and to bear the fruits of unity. Father seek throughout the Church for more willing hearts to plant the seeds of unity, and to mold more hearts towards the willingness and obedience of hearts made ready to receive the seeds of unity.

Father we pray for an outpouring of God's love upon the Church. Father we pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the Church. Father we pray for an outpouring of angelic hosts to carry out your will and to minister to the saints.

Father we pray for the maturity of unity in the church, we pray for us to grow into the maturity of unity, and we pray that we will mature in unity, and that unity will mature in us.

Father by your will, by your grace, and by the Holy Spirit, bring forth the stages of unity in the church. Give us grace and wisdom to obey each stage and growth of unity in the church. If we make a mistake or fall, cause us not be utterly cast down, instead uphold us in your right hand of love.

Father lead and guide through the Holy Spirit in all truth and in the stages and steps of unity that we can move forward by grace. Give us grace and insight to see each move, each stage, and each step of unity. Father we ask you to give us grace to have patience and faith that through them we can inherit and possess each step, time, and stage of unity, leading us to the fullness of unity, reconciliation, oneness and love in the body of Christ.

Father we pray for every one who reads, or hears our prayer today, we ask that you will touch them with the Holy Spirit in a real way, and bear witness in their hearts through the Holy Spirit.

Father we pray you heal, restore, and set free every person who reads or hears our prayer. We pray that prayer of faith, and we believe that the sick are healed, and made whole. Father we pray for spiritual breakthrough, and that many breakthroughs will come upon everyone who is gathered to pray for unity.

Father break, melt, and mold every heart unto the Image of Christ, the nature of Christ, and love and unity by the Holy Spirit. Father pour out the Holy Spirit afresh upon us, and open us to be touched by the presence of the Holy Spirit.

We pray this in the name of Jesus, Amen

Elvis Iverson

Pastor Elvis Iverson lives in Omaha, NE USA. He ministers internationally and has a heart for the nations.

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