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Endless Prayer for Church Unity Part 14 Father we come to the Throne Room by the Blood of Jesus, Father we love you, Jesus we love you, Holy Spirit we love you, we enter into Christ’s rest, by the Blood of Jesus we see the glory that covers the Face of the Father, we see our Lord Jesus Christ seated next to God the Father praying for us, we see the Seven Burning Flames which is the Holy Spirit, We see the seven lampstands which is the Church, by faith we flow in the Intercession of the Holy Spirit, therefore we flow in the Intercession of our Lord Jesus Christ… Father as we pray for unity, as we pray for the seeds of unity to be planted in the hearts of many believers around the world and all believers in Christ, we pray to water those seeds for unity and love. Some plant, some water, and together these two are one, we are one with those who are planting the seeds of unity around the world, we pray for them to have open doors and open hearts to plant the seeds of unity, and we water them by much prayer. The day will come when God will give the increase to those seeds of unity, and we will see unity come forth among believers in cities and nations around the world. Father we pray release unity in the city church in every city of every nation, we pray release unity in the regional church in every region of every nation around the world, we pray for the release of unity in every national church in every nation around the world, and we pray for release of unity in the global church. Father we pray release love in the city church in every city of every nation, we pray release love in the regional church in every region of every nation around the world, we pray for the release of love in every national church in every nation around the world, and we pray for release of love in the global church. Father we pray for the release of unity and the release of love in the hearts of many believers around the world, and all believers in Christ, and in our own hearts. Father we pray for the release of unity and love in the Church, we pray for unity, and we pray for the unity of the church. Father bring forth reconciliation among all believers in every city, bring forth reconciliation among all believers in every nation, and bring forth reconciliation among all believers in the church around the world, and bring forth reconciliation in us today. Father we pray for grace and anointing to come upon the divine works of reconciliation among all believers in every city, every nation, and in the church around the world. Father give us grace to obey the calling of reconciliation to one another, it is the call to love again, God’s call for reconciliation to love one another, for reconciliation is the will of the Lord. Father we thank you for reconciliation, from reconciliation we come to unity, after we step through the process of reconciliation, we are now ready to enter into unity, we pray let us mature into unity. Father unity is your will, Lord, unity is coming forth in loving one another for unity is love, unity is a world of love in your name, unity is a community of love among all believers working together toward the purposes of Christ and one another in Christ. Father we pray bring oneness in the church that is in every city, bring oneness in the church that is in every nation, and bring oneness in the church around the world, and bring oneness in us. Father we worship you for oneness is your will. We thank you in reconciliation, we praise you in unity, and now we worship you in oneness, for oneness is relationship with you, Jesus, the Holy Spirit and all believers in Christ. Father we pray for unity in the church around the world, Father we pray for the unity of the Spirit, unity of the Faith, and unity of the Godhead. Father your will is for the church to come into the same unity and love that is in between Yourself, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, the church is called into this holy communion by the blood of Christ, by faith, by the Word of God, and by the Holy Spirit. Father your will is for the church to lack no gift, no member, no ministry of the believer, the Holy Spirit is given to each believer, and together the Holy Spirit manifests God’s love to the world. The Holy Spirit comes in us and in our fellowship with one another; the reason is for relationship, and the Holy Spirit comes upon us for ministry to one another and those in the World, and we are to walk in unity and community together in the ministry and order of the Holy Spirit. Father your will for the church is community and city connection in faith and fellowship; you want the church in our cities to be the church of the city, we pray bring us to this unity, and let us mature more in this unity, and bring us to the day of mature unity of the church of the city. Father we pray for unity for the church; we pray for reconciliation for the church, we pray for the building of the bridges of unity, and we pray for unity, we pray community of faith, and we pray for oneness, we pray for the relationship of unity with the Trinity and with one another in unity. Reconciliation is bridge making, unity is community, and oneness is relationship. Father we pray for unity in the church. Unity is now, for faith is now, let the peace of God rule in our hearts, and let unity manifest in every way and walk of our faith in Christ. Unity is coming tomorrow for there is hope, and hope is our anchor for unity is tomorrow, let hope abound in our hearts and let the love of God be poured out in our hearts, we pray for revivals of love for one another. Unity is the future of the church, unity is now, for faith is now, unity is tomorrow for we have hope, and unity is in the future for we have love. Father you love us, Jesus you love us, and Holy Spirit you love us, and we will be one, for we are one in Christ. We pray for the unity of the church. Father we pray for the unity and oneness of the church around the world, we pray in the name of Jesus, Amen. Pastor Elvis Iverson lives in Omaha, NE USA. He ministers internationally and has a heart for the nations. www.elvisiverson.com | ||
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