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Spiritual Christian Unity

Worldwide Prayer Group


 "Praying for Christian unity 

in love and holiness together in Jesus"

Moderators: Pastor Iverson
More More More More More Unity Revivals Part One
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More More More More More Unity Revivals Part One

Father we come by the Blood of Christ into your throne room, to pray for unity in the church, to pray for the church around the world, and to pray and love one another, rain the Holy Spirit upon us all, and bring forth breakthroughs.

Father we pray for reconciliation, unity, and oneness to come to all believers, to the city church in all cities, to the church around the world.

We pray for revivals of unity, revivals of love, revivals of peace, revivals of joy, revivals of hope, and revivals of faith oneness to come to all believers, to the city church in all cities, to the church around the world.

We pray for rivers of reconciliation, rivers of unity, rivers of oneness to come to all believers, to the city church in all cities, to the church around the world.

We pray for the rain of the Spirit, the river of the Spirit, and the flood of the Spirit to come to all believers, to the city church in all cities, to the church around the world.

We pray for revivals of unity to come to all believers, to the city church in all cities, to the church around the world.

We pray for rains of revivals of unity, rivers of revivals of unity, and floods of revivals of unity to come to all believers, to the city church in all cities, to the church around the world.

Father we pray for revivals to come to all believers, to the city church in all cities, to the church around the world.

We pray for rains of revivals, rivers of revivals, and floods of revivals to come to all believers, to the city church in all cities, to the church around the world.

Father we pray for reconciliation, unity, and oneness to come to all believers, to the city church in all cities, to the church around the world.

Father we pray for revivals to come to all believers, to the city church in all cities, to the church around the world.

We pray for restoration of unity to come to the church. We pray for full restoration of unity to come to the church. We pray for restoration of the church to come. We pray for full restoration of the church to come. We pray for the restoration of all things to come to the church. We pray for restoration to come to all believers in Christ. We pray for full restoration to come to all believers in Christ. We pray for the restoration of the City Church. We pray for the full restoration of the City Church. We pray for restoration of all things to come to every city. We pray for the restoration of all things to come to every nation. We pray for the restoration of all things to come. We pray for rivers of restoration to come. We pray for rivers of restoration to come the church. We pray for rivers of restoration to come to the City Church. We pray for rivers of restoration to come to all believers in Christ. We pray for the river of healing to come to the church. We pray for the river of healing to come to the city church. We pray for the river of healing to come to all believers in Christ. We pray for the river of healing to come to all nations. We pray for the river of healing to come to all cities. We pray for the river of healing to come to all people groups. We pray for the river of healing to come to everyplace. We pray for the healing of the nations. We pray for the healing of the cities. We pray for the healing of all places.

We pray for revivals to come to all believers. We pray for unity revivals to come to all believers. We pray for revivals to come to all the church. We pray for unity revivals to come to all the church. We pray for revivals to come to the city church. We pray unity revivals to come to the city church. We pray for revivals to come to all nations. We pray for revivals to come to all cities. We pray for revivals to come to all places. We pray for revivals to come to every person. We pray fill the church full of revivals. We pray fill the church full of unity revivals. We pray for the church to overflow with revivals always. We pray for the church to overflow with unity revivals always. We pray for the earth to be filled with revivals. We pray for the earth to overflow with revivals.

We pray for revival to come. We pray for unity revival to come. We pray for revivals to come. We pray for unity revivals to come. We pray revival to come to the church. We pray for unity revival to come to the church. We pray for revivals to come to the church. We pray for unity revivals to come to the church. We pray for visitation revivals to come to the church. We pray for unity revivals to come to the church. We pray for many revivals to come to the church. We pray for unity revivals to come to the church. We pray for lasting revivals to come to the church. We pray for unity revivals to come to the church. We pray resting revivals to come to the church. We pray for unity revivals to come to the church. We pray for massive revivals to come to the church. We pray for unity revivals to come to the church. We pray for extreme revivals to come to the church. We pray for unity revivals to come to the church. We pray for many rivers of revivals to come to the church. We pray for unity revivals to come to the church. We pray for many floods of revivals to come to the church. We pray for unity revivals to come to the church. We pray for many outpourings of revivals to come to the church. We pray for unity revivals to come to the church. We pray for the pillar of fire by night to come to the church. We pray for unity revivals to come to the church. We pray for the pillar of Cloud by day to come to the church. We pray for unity revivals to come to the church. We pray for revival without end to come to the church. We pray for unity revivals to come to the church. We pray for eternal revival to come to the church. We pray for unity revivals to come to the church.

We pray for unity revival to come to the church. We pray for unity revivals to come to the church. We pray for more unity revivals to come to the church. We pray for more, more unity revivals to come to the church. We pray for more, more, more unity revivals to come to the church. We pray for more, more, more, more unity revivals to come to the church. We pray for more, more, more, more, more unity revivals to come to the church. We pray for more, more, more, more, more, more unity revivals to come to the church. We pray for more, more, more, more, more, more, more unity revivals to come to the church. We pray for unity revivals to come to the church.

We pray for full restoration to come to every believer in Christ, we pray for double restoration to come to every believer in Christ, and we pray for sevenfold restoration to come to every believer in Christ.

We pray for rivers of deliverance, rivers of inner healing, rivers of healing, rivers of restoration, rivers of restitution, rivers of breakthrough, and rivers of refreshing to come to every believer in Christ.

We pray for the restoration of revival to come to every believer in Christ, we pray for the restoration of revival to come to every city church in every city, and we pray for the restoration of revival to come to the church around the world.

We pray for the restoration of Christian Unity come to every believer in Christ, we pray for the restoration of Christian Unity to come to every city church in every city, and we pray for the restoration of Christian Unity to come to the church around the world.

We pray for unity revivals to come to the church, we pray for more unity revivals to come to the church, we pray for more, more, more, unity revivals to come to the church, we pray for more, more, more, more, unity revivals to come to the church, we pray for more, more, more, more, more, unity revivals to come to the church, we pray for more, more, more, more, more, more, unity revivals to come to the church, and we pray for more, more, more, more, more, more, more, unity revivals to come to the church.

Release the vision of revival to the church. Open the Door of Revival to the church. Release revelation of revival to the church. Prepared the way for revival for the church. We pray for Capstone revival to come to the church. Father we ask you to send forth the angel of awaking to the church. Release the Seven Spirits of God to the church. We pray for an outpouring of angels of revival upon the church. Release the Double Portion Anointing upon the Church around the world. We pray for the restoration of lost revivals to come. We pray for revival to come to the church.

Lay the twelve foundations of revival for the church. We pray for the twelve fountains revivals to come in the church. We pray for Jasper Revival to come to the church. We pray for Sapphire Revival to come to the church. We pray for Chalcedony Revival to come to the church. We pray for Emerald Revival to come to the church. We pray for Sardonyx Revival to come to the church. We pray for Sardius Revival to come to the church. We pray for Chrysolite Revival to come to the church. We pray for Beryl Revival to come to the church. We pray for Topaz Revival to come to the church. We pray for Chrysoprase Revival to come to the church. We pray for Jacinth Revival to come to the church. We pray for Amethyst Revival to come to the church. We pray for revival to come to the church.

We pray for the restoration of revival to come to every believer in Christ, we pray for the restoration of revival to come to every city church in every city, and we pray for the restoration of revival to come to the church around the world.

We pray for the restoration of Christian Unity come to every believer in Christ, we pray for the restoration of Christian Unity to come to every city church in every city, and we pray for the restoration of Christian Unity to come to the church around the world.

We pray open the Door to Revival. Open the door of revival to every believer in Christ, open the door of revival to every city church, and open the door of revival to the church around the world.

We pray open the Door to Revival. Give us a vision of revival. Give us a revelation of revival. Lord prepared the way for revival. Bring revival is in our hearts. Give us an application for revival.

We pray bring forth and begin the Capstone revival. We pray send forth the angel of awakening to the Church around the world. We pray for the release of the Seven Spirits of God all believers in Christ, to the city churches in all cities, and to the church around the world. We pray for the release the Double Portion Anointing upon every believer in Christ, upon the city churches in every city, and upon the church around the world.

We pray for new seasons of revival to come to all believers in Christ, to all city churches in all cities, and to the church around the world. We pray for restoration of lost revivals to come to the church around the world. Father we ask you to restore all the wells of revival.

Father we pray release twelve fountains of revivals. Release the Jasper Revival. Release the Sapphire Revival. Release the Chalcedony Revival. Release the Emerald Revival. Release the Sardonyx Revival. Release the Sardius Revival. Release the Chrysolite Revival. Release the Beryl Revival. Release the Topaz Revival. Release the Chrysoprase Revival. Release the Jacinth Revival. Release the Amethyst Revival.

Father we pray release twelve fountains of revivals. We pray for Prophetic Ecstasy Revival. We pray for Apostolic Revival. We pray for City Church Unity Revival. We pray for Marketplace Revival. We pray for Healing Revival. We pray for Signs and Wonder Revival. We pray for Angelic Revival. We pray for Old Time Revival. We pray for Deliverance Revival. We pray for Home Church Revival. We pray for New Wineskins Revival. We pray for Believers and Kings Revival.

We pray for more revivals to come, we pray for more revivals to come to every believer in Christ, we pray for more revivals to come to every city church in every city, and we pray for more revivals to come to the church around the world.

We pray for more revivals to come to every city, every region, every nation, every zone, globally, every people group, and every place.

We pray for Extreme prayer revival. We pray for the revivals at the gates of the City of God to come. We pray for the five revivals that are the five restorations of the Glory of the Lord to come. We pray for the oil revival of the Spirit to come. We pray for the Fire revival of the Spirit to come. We pray for the Wind revival of the Spirit to come. We pray for the Water revival of the Spirit to come. We pray for the Wine revival of the Spirit to come. We pray for rivers of healing. We pray for rivers of restoration. We pray for rivers of refreshing. We pray for rivers of repentance. We pray for rivers of revival.

We pray for Capstone Revival, Twelve fountains of revivals, Extreme prayer revival, Revivals at Gates, Revivals in the City of God, and Rivers of Revivals to come.

We pray for unity revivals.
We pray for more unity revivals.
We pray for more, more unity revivals.
We pray for more, more, more unity revivals.
We pray for more, more, more, more unity revivals.
We pray for more, more, more, more, more unity revivals.
We pray for more, more, more, more, more, more unity revivals.
We pray for more, more, more, more, more, more, more unity revivals.

Fill us with unity in Christ.
Clothe us with unity in Christ.
Cover us with unity in Christ.
Overflow us with unity in Christ.
Pour out upon us with unity in Christ.

We pray this for all believers in Christ.
We pray this for all city churches in Christ.
We pray this for all regional churches in Christ.
We pray this for all national churches in Christ.
We pray this for all zone churches in Christ.
We pray this for the global church globally in Christ.

Fill, Clothe, Cover, Overflow, and Pour out upon us with the oil of revival in Christ. Fill, Clothe, Cover, Overflow, and Pour out upon us with the fire of revival in Christ. Fill, Clothe, Cover, Overflow, and Pour out upon us with the wind of revival in Christ. Fill, Clothe, Cover, Overflow, and Pour out upon us with the water of revival in Christ. Fill, Clothe, Cover, Overflow, and Pour out upon us with the wine of revival in Christ.

We pray this for all believers in Christ.
We pray this for all city churches in Christ.
We pray this for all regional churches in Christ.
We pray this for all national churches in Christ.
We pray this for all zone churches in Christ.
We pray this for the global church globally in Christ.

Pray for the revelation of revival. Pray for the application of revival. Pray for the foundations of revival to be laid. Pray for revivals, and an outpouring of many revivals. Pray the prophecies about revival to come to pass. Pray for the new wineskins of revival to come forth. Pray for the pillar of fire by night and the pillar of cloud by day. Pray for revivals in the church around the world. Pray for revivals for every city and every nation. Pray for the restoration of revival and the Capstone Revival. Pray for the great deep fountains of revivals to be open. Pray for revival at the Wall. Pray for the revivals at the Gates. Pray for the revivals in the city of God. Pray for the Oil, Fire, Wind, Water, and Wine Revivals. Pray for rivers of revivals to flow to every city and every nation around the world. Pray for visitation revivals, many revivals, lasting revivals, massive revivals, habitational revival, resting revivals, and Dark Cloud Revival. Pray for personal revival, revival life and corporate revival. We pray for revival and unity.

We pray this for all believers in Christ.
We pray this for all city churches in Christ.
We pray this for all regional churches in Christ.
We pray this for all national churches in Christ.
We pray this for all zone churches in Christ.
We pray this for the global church globally in Christ.

Fill us with unity in Christ.
Clothe us with unity in Christ.
Cover us with unity in Christ.
Overflow us with unity in Christ.
Pour out upon us with unity in Christ.

We pray this for all believers in Christ.
We pray this for all city churches in Christ.
We pray this for all regional churches in Christ.
We pray this for all national churches in Christ.
We pray this for all zone churches in Christ.
We pray this for the global church globally in Christ.

We pray for great increase of Christian Unity.
We pray for great increase of Christian Unity.
We pray for great increase of Christian Unity.

We pray for great breakthroughs to come to the Church in every city and every nation, and to all believers in Christ.

We pray for great breakthroughs to come to the Church in every city and every nation, and to all believers in Christ.

We pray for great breakthroughs to come to the Church in every city and every nation, and to all believers in Christ.

We pray for great increase of Christian Unity.
We pray for great increase of Christian Unity.
We pray for great increase of Christian Unity.

We pray for times of refreshing and times of restoration to come to the church in every city and every nation, and to all believers in Christ.

We pray for times of refreshing and times of restoration to come to the church in every city and every nation, and to all believers in Christ.

We pray for times of refreshing and times of restoration to come to the church in every city and every nation, and to all believers in Christ.

We pray for great increase of Christian Unity.
We pray for great increase of Christian Unity.
We pray for great increase of Christian Unity.

We pray for restoration, restitution, and justice to come to the church in every city and every nation, and to all believers in Christ.

We pray for restoration, restitution, and justice to come to the church in every city and every nation, and to all believers in Christ.

We pray for restoration, restitution, and justice to come to the church in every city and every nation, and to all believers in Christ.

We pray for great increase of Christian Unity.
We pray for great increase of Christian Unity.
We pray for great increase of Christian Unity.

We pray for recovery, restoration, restitution, renew, revival, refreshing, and blessings to come to the church in every city and every nation, and to all believers in Christ.

We pray for recovery, restoration, restitution, renew, revival, refreshing, and blessings to come to the church in every city and every nation, and to all believers in Christ.

We pray for recovery, restoration, restitution, renew, revival, refreshing, and blessings to come to the church in every city and every nation, and to all believers in Christ.

We pray for great increase of Christian Unity.
We pray for great increase of Christian Unity.
We pray for great increase of Christian Unity.

God send prosperity, God send great prosperity to come to the church in every city and every nation, and to all believers in Christ.

God send prosperity, God send great prosperity to come to the church in every city and every nation, and to all believers in Christ.

God send prosperity, God send great prosperity to come to the church in every city and every nation, and to all believers in Christ.

We pray for great increase of Christian Unity.
We pray for great increase of Christian Unity.
We pray for great increase of Christian Unity.

We drink of the Holy Spirit by faith for all believers in Christ.
We drink of the Holy Spirit by faith for all believers in Christ.
We drink of the Holy Spirit by faith for all believers in Christ.

We are drunk in the Holy Spirit by faith for all believers in Christ.

We are drunk in the Holy Spirit by faith for all believers in Christ.

We are drunk in the Holy Spirit by faith for all believers in Christ.

We pray for great increase of Christian Unity.
We pray for great increase of Christian Unity.
We pray for great increase of Christian Unity.

We pray for revival and unity.

Father we pray for reconciliation, unity, and oneness to come to all believers, to the city church in all cities, to the church around the world.

We pray in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, amen.

Elvis Iverson

Pastor Elvis Iverson lives in Omaha, NE USA. He ministers internationally and has a heart for the nations.

Posts: 378 | Location / Country / Region: Omaha, NE USA | Registered: 05 December 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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