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Spiritual Christian Unity

Worldwide Prayer Group


 "Praying for Christian unity 

in love and holiness together in Jesus"

Welcome to this community of believers praying for spiritual unity in love and holiness among all Christians, including, for just a few examples, Protestants, Catholics, Baptists, Orthodox, Evangelicals, Anglicans, Methodists, Church of Christ, Charismatics, Brethren, Lutherans, Assembly of God, Disciples of Christ, Fundamentalists, Presbyterians, Pentecostals, Reformed, Denominationalists, Non-denominationalists, Independents, home churches, etc., of every nation, race, and color ...simply all Christians who invoke the Triune God and confess Jesus as Lord and Savior, believing to the point of repentance in Jesus of the Bible for the remission of our sins, and at the same time, forgiving, loving, and accepting all other such believers as our equal sisters and brothers eternally together in Christ.  We invite you to add your own prayers and pray together with us in the various prayer forums shown below, praying in unity of spirit with one another, in brotherly love and holiness, and in one accord with the One and the same Spirit who works in all Christians, irrespective of denomination, beliefs, or dogmas.

If you're Christian and think you would like to join as a Member here, or if you'd like to join so you can just try praying here to God for a personal healing miracle in Jesus' name, as we pray along with you, then please first take a few minutes to read our Statement of Faith and Order Guidelines, as shown on the lower portion of our homepage if you have not done so already. Once you've read them and agree to abide by the Guidelines, then please join as a Member by returning to this page and clicking on the blue link labeled "Login/Join", shown in the upper right-hand corner of the forums area, below.

In the prayer forums below, our believing Members post prayers here especially for spiritual Christian unity.  Prayers for healing miracles may be posted by anyone willing to try to believe in Jesus as we pray, and we invite those willing, along with all committed believers, to please join as Members of this Prayer Group.  Registration requires only a few minutes with a valid email, and membership enables believers to participate in all prayer and discussion forums.

All prayers posted here are open to the general public for viewing, and if anyone needs a healing miracle, and is willing to just try believing in Jesus for it, we'll pray with them here.  If you need such a healing, for yourself or for a loved one, we invite you to let us pray with you here, even if you've never tried believing in Jesus before.  To make it easy, we have some sample prayers to use, if you like. 

If you want to pray for a healing here together with us in Jesus, you don't need to be a Christian already.  You just have to join here as a Member of this Prayer Group, and let us know you are willing to just try to believe, as we already do, that God will do your miracle to prove Jesus to you; and when He does it, to then truly believe that God did so to show you the great love He has available for you to make your life better in Jesus, now and forever.

Once you post your prayer, believing Members here will start praying immediately for the healing miracle you seek, although there may be a slight delay for review of content before prayers show up in the forums for public view.  We pray that God will work your miracle in order to show His own glory, the glory that He gave to make all believers one, together in the love and holiness of God shown to us all in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.

Christians, whether you're a Member here or not, please devote whatever time you can to pray in agreement with the prayers you read here.  

Dear gracious, Heavenly Father, please accept our prayers as we unite here in love and holiness together in Jesus. Amen.

"to be holy and blameless before him in love... according to his good pleasure that he set forth in Christ, as a plan for the fullness of time, to gather up all things in him, things in heaven and things on earth." (Eph 1:4b, 10 NRSV)

"that we should be holy and without blame before him in love...That in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; [even] in him:" (Eph 1:4b, 10 av)

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General Interest
Learn more about the Prayer Group in FAQ's for visitors, and read messages of general interest to all, posted by SCUWPG Administrators.
Prayers for Christian Unity, Posted by SCUWPG Members Who Are Believers Already
The public is invited to look in as we believers pray these heartfelt prayers together for spiritual Christian unity, written with a scriptural basis and posted here by Prayer Group Members, to be read and prayed again by any and all believers.
Whether you're a believer in Jesus, or just seeking to find out if God is real in Jesus, you are invited to join as a Member of this Prayer Group, and post your prayer here for any personal healing miracle, for yourself, or for anyone personally dear to you. We just ask that you be willing to make an effort to help us believe for you, based on our belief in Christian unity. To help you do this, we offer some ideas for you to consider praying about, and some optional "Starter Prayers" to use if you like. We want to make it easy for you to pray here in your own words for the particular healing you need, while you help us believe for you as we pray on your behalf, praying together with you in Jesus. You don't have to believe in Jesus already, or in Christian unity; you just have to *try* to believe in Jesus as you pray now, and let God convince you by His doing your healing for which you pray.
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