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Spiritual Christian Unity

Worldwide Prayer Group


 "Praying for Christian unity 

in love and holiness together in Jesus"

Moderators: Pastor Iverson
Endless Prayer for Church Unity Part 13
"Site Moderator"
Endless Prayer for Church Unity Part 13

Father we come to the Throne Room by the Blood of Jesus, Father we love you, Jesus we love you, Holy Spirit we love you, we enter into Christ’s rest, by the Blood of Jesus we see the glory that covers the Face of the Father, we see our Lord Jesus Christ seated next to God the Father praying for us, we see the Seven Burning Flames which is the Holy Spirit, We see the seven lampstands which is the Church, by faith we flow in the Intercession of the Holy Spirit, therefore we flow in the Intercession of our Lord Jesus Christ…
We pray for all believers in Christ in all nations, all cities and all places. We pray for the seeds of unity to be planted and watered in their hearts. We pray release the vision of unity and the vision of the city church in their hearts. We pray for waves and rivers of unity to come to them all. We pray for revivals of unity to come to believers in Christ. We pray for a strong sense of unity to arise in all believers. We pray for unity to arise in the hearts of all believers.
Father we believe the river of healing is in our midst. Heal all sickness, diseases, illness, infirmities, disorders, conditions, afflictions, syndromes, loss of health, and discomforts! We pray for a blanket of divine healings and divine miracles to come upon every person in the church. We pray for healing for whomever asks for healing, we pray for healing among us. We pray for healing, restoration, wholeness, and deliverance from all sickness, all diseases, and all infirmities.

Father we pray for showers of grace, mercy, love, peace, blessings and anointings to rain upon the church around the world. We pray for an outpouring of God’s love to burn as fire in the hearts of all believers.

Father open our eyes to see unity, open our ears to hear unity, open our minds to understand unity, and open our hearts to receive unity. We pray let unity arise among believers in every city of every nation around the world. We pray let unity arise among believers in every nation around the world.

Father we pray for a strong sense of unity to arise among all believers in every city in every nation, and in every place. Let this strong sense of unity fall upon us all by the Holy Spirit. Let this strong sense of unity come upon all believers. Let this strong sense of unity come among all congregations, all groups in Christ and all ministries, and all spiritual leaders.

Father we come by the Blood of Jesus Christ; we ask for more
mercy and more grace. We pray for fresh oil of the Holy Spirit to anoint and
pour upon every member in the body of Christ around the world. We pray cover
us with the Blood of Christ, cover us with the Holy Spirit, cover us with
anointing, cover us with mercy, cover us with love, cover us with peace and
impart grace to each one of us through the Blood of Christ and the Holy
Spirit in each one of us.

Father we are coming and maturing unto unity, we are taking each step on the journey of unity. Have mercy on us; we carry heavier loads than we should in our spiritual backpacks; cleanse us from the divisions and hurts, reasons for divisions, and cleanse us from all things that hinder true and mature unity in our lives and with one another.
Father we ask you to pour out many breakthroughs, all breakthroughs,
spiritual breakthrough, many spiritual breakthroughs, all spiritual
breakthroughs upon all believers in Christ.

Father we pray for a breakthrough to come to the unity in the
church, we pray for many breakthroughs to come to the unity in the church,
and breakthroughs to come upon our prayers for unity and all prayers.

We pray for financial breakthroughs, breakthroughs in our health,
breakthroughs in our minds, breakthroughs in our loved ones, breakthroughs
in our relationships, breakthroughs in our purposes, vision, and goals,
tasks in Christ, breakthroughs in ministry, breakthroughs in our churches,
breakthroughs in revival and manifestations in the Holy Spirit, and
breakthroughs in unity.

Father we pray for the unity and oneness of the church around the world, we pray in the name of Jesus, Amen.

Pastor Elvis Iverson lives in Omaha, NE USA. He ministers internationally and has a heart for the nations.

Posts: 379 | Location / Country / Region: Omaha, NE USA | Registered: 05 December 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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