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Spiritual Christian Unity

Worldwide Prayer Group


 "Praying for Christian unity 

in love and holiness together in Jesus"

Moderators: Pastor Iverson
Endless Prayer for Church Unity Part 15
"Site Moderator"
Endless Prayer for Church Unity Part 15

Father we come to the Throne Room by the Blood of Jesus, Father we love you, Jesus we love you, Holy Spirit we love you, we enter into Christ’s rest, by the Blood of Jesus we see the glory that covers the Face of the Father, we see our Lord Jesus Christ seated next to God the Father praying for us, we see the Seven Burning Flames which is the Holy Spirit, We see the seven lampstands which is the Church, by faith we flow in the Intercession of the Holy Spirit, therefore we flow in the Intercession of our Lord Jesus Christ…

We pray for the wings of healing to arise with unity in the Church,
we pray let these wings of healing minister to the great church of Christ
around the world. Let Christ in our hearts arise with healing in His wings
to bring healing to all.

Cover us in the blood of Christ, wash us in the blood of Christ, there
is all power in the power of the blood of Christ. Cover every believer in
the blood of Christ.

Heal all sick among the church in the name of Jesus, Heal all sick
among the church in the name of Jesus, Heal all sick among the church in the
name of Jesus, and Heal all sick among the church in the name of Jesus.

Let us care for one another in our cities and around the world, to
care for any brother or sister in Christ who is suffering with sickness. Let
us care and let us come together in unity to pray for healing. There are no
reasons for divisions; it is time for the restoration of unity and vision,
that in turn we will have revivals of divine healing among all believers in

We pray for healing rivers come from the Holy Spirit that dwells in
our hearts, let the healing rivers come forth and flow freely to all our
brothers and sisters who are sick, let the sick be healed in the name of
Jesus Christ our Lord.

We call forth a harvest of unity, a harvest of prayer, a harvest of
souls and a harvest of healing. Yes let healing rain upon us, yes let
healing flow like a river among us, yes let healing come like a flood, and
yes let healing arise in each one of us through the Holy Spirit.

We pray for the unity of the Church, we pray for unity of the city
church in all cities, we pray for the unity of the regional church in all
regions, and we pray for the unity of the national church in every nation,
and we pray for unity of the global church in the whole world.

Let the silver trumpets blow around the world blow for unity in the
church in every city, in every nation, in every region, and in every place
and around the world.

Let the silver trumpets blow for revivals, harvests, blessings,
restorations, progression, vision, signs and wonders, healings, healing
love, and unity.

Let us hear the sound of gathering and unity, to gather around the
Cross for there has always been and there will always be unity at the Cross
of Christ.

We thank you Father unity is coming to the church around the world!

We thank you Father unity is coming upon our cities in the vision of
the city church!

We thank you Father unity is coming through city church unity!

We thank you Father unity is coming through the one another in the
coffees houses!

We thank you Father unity is coming in vision to our cities, nations,
and upon a global level.

We believe we will have unity in the church that is greater than any
unity since a long time ago, and this unity that is coming will be a
foundation to be built upon. Strengthen us by your Holy Spirit, Lord, to
lay the foundation for the growth and maturity of unity from generation to
generation until we come to the fullness of unity, which is the unity of the

Father we pray for the coming unity to come in our hearts, we pray for
a strong sense of unity to come in the church in every city, in every nation
and globally, and we pray for a strong sense of unity to come in the hearts
of believers in the church around the world, and we pray for a strong sense
of unity to come into our hearts.

Father we pray for flood levels of grace to rise in the church in every
city, in every region and in every nation and around the world.

Father we pray for flood levels of mercy to rise in the church in every
city, in every region and in every nation and around the world.

Father we pray for flood levels of healing to rise in the church in
every city, in every region and in every nation and around the world.

Father we pray for flood levels of revival to rise in the church in
every city, in every region and in every nation and around the world.

Father we pray for flood levels of breakthroughs to rise in the church
in every city, in every region and in every nation and around the world.

Father we pray for flood levels of miracles to rise in the church in
every city, in every region and in every nation and around the world.

Father we pray for flood levels of faith to rise in the church in every
city, in every region and in every nation and around the world.

Father we pray for flood levels of hope to rise in the church in every
city, in every region and in every nation and around the world.

Father we pray for flood levels of blessings to rise in the church in
every city, in every region and in every nation and around the world.

Father we pray for flood levels of prophecy, visions and dreams to rise
in the church in every city, in every region and in every nation and around
the world.

Father we pray for flood levels of signs and wonders to rise in the
church in every city, in every region and in every nation and around the

Father we pray for flood levels of harvest to rise in the church in
every city, in every region and in every nation and around the world.

Father we pray for flood levels of the Holy Spirit to rise in the
church in every city, in every region and in every nation and around the

Father we pray for flood levels of unity to rise in the church in every
city, in every region and in every nation and around the world.

Father raise the flood levels of unity, we pray for rains of unity, we
pray for great clouds of unity to form over the church in every city, in
every region, every nation and the church around the world, we pray for
rivers of unity, and floods of unity to raise and come forth, and we pray
for the whole church around the world to be covered with the flood waters of

Father we pray for the unity and oneness of the church around the world, we pray in the name of Jesus, Amen.

Pastor Elvis Iverson lives in Omaha, NE USA. He ministers internationally and has a heart for the nations.

Posts: 379 | Location / Country / Region: Omaha, NE USA | Registered: 05 December 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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