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Spiritual Christian Unity

Worldwide Prayer Group


 "Praying for Christian unity 

in love and holiness together in Jesus"

Moderators: Pastor Iverson
Endless Prayer for Church Unity Part Three
"Site Moderator"
Endless Prayer for Church Unity Part Three

Father we come to the Throne Room by the Blood of Jesus, Father we love you, Jesus we love you, Holy Spirit we love you, we enter into Christ’s rest, by the Blood of Jesus we see the glory that covers the Face of the Father, we see our Lord Jesus Christ seated next to God the Father praying for us, we see the Seven Burning Flames which is the Holy Spirit, We see the seven lampstands which is the Church, by faith we flow in the Intercession of the Holy Spirit, therefore we flow in the Intercession of our Lord Jesus Christ…
Father we pray for greater unity to Come to the Body of Christ, Unity is your will for the Church, Unity is a part of the destiny of the church, the Church in the Third Heaven is in Unity, bring unity to the Church on Earth.
We pray for great unity to come upon the church in our decade, our generation, and our Time. We believe greater unity will come in our time and then beyond this time will continue to increase more and more in each generation. If we believe, if we can have faith and when we pray, those prayers will come to pass.
We pray for strong unity to come in the hearts of many believers and many spiritual leaders, that we will begin to come together under the Lordship of Christ, for worship, prayer, missions, & compassion. Now is the time for unity, now is the time for revival, now is the time for missions, now is the time to build, do not says its not the time, for this is the time, can you hear the Holy Spirit say its time for unity, its time to build.
We pray for mature unity to come throughout the church around the world, it is time for us to belong to Christ, and belong to one another, and to belong to the church, it is time to be set a part from the world, we are in this world, but we are not of this world, wash us in the Blood of Jesus, let us be holy unto the Lord.
We pray for the unity of the faith to begin to come in our decade, generation, time, we will come into the unity of the faith, the beginning of the unity of the faith will come now, and will increase more and more, will grow more and more until we come to fullness of the unity of the faith.

We pray for our Lord Jesus Christ to build the Church, build unity, let he church arise in worship, prayer, revival, harvest, missions, now is the time. Build! Build! Arise! Arise! We pray great increase of the Kingdom of God, we pray for great increase of the peace of the Kingdom, we pray for great increase of the Church.
We pray for global outpouring of the Holy Spirit. We speak grace, grace, grace, grace, grace, grace, grace! We speak sevenfold grace!!!
We pray for family and friends for household salvation and revival. We speak grace, grace, grace, grace, grace, grace, grace! We speak sevenfold grace!!!
We pray for evangelistic and missions rivers to flow around the world. We speak grace, grace, grace, grace, grace, grace, grace! We speak sevenfold grace!!!
We pray for many harvests and great harvests of souls. We speak grace, grace, grace, grace, grace, grace, grace! We speak sevenfold grace!!!
We pray for laborers for the harvests. We speak grace, grace, grace, grace, grace, grace, grace! We speak sevenfold grace!!!
We pray for unreached people groups to be reachable and reached. We speak grace, grace, grace, grace, grace, grace, grace! We speak sevenfold grace!!!
We pray for the healing and restoration and end of sufferings of Christians. We speak grace, grace, grace, grace, grace, grace, grace! We speak sevenfold grace!!!
We pray for many revivals and revival life. We speak grace, grace, grace, grace, grace, grace, grace! We speak sevenfold grace!!!
We pray for signs and wonders and the gifts of the Spirit, prophecy, visions, dreams. We speak grace, grace, grace, grace, grace, grace, grace! We speak sevenfold grace!!!
We pray for the Fire of God and Wine of God. We speak grace, grace, grace, grace, grace, grace, grace! We speak sevenfold grace!!!
We pray for financials and Wealth to flow into the church. We speak grace, grace, grace, grace, grace, grace, grace! We speak sevenfold grace!!!
We pray for unity according to John 17. We speak grace, grace, grace, grace, grace, grace, grace! We speak sevenfold grace!!!
We pray peace and the fullness of Israel. We speak grace, grace, grace, grace, grace, grace, grace! We speak sevenfold grace!!!

Father we pray for the unity and oneness of the church around the world, we pray in the name of Jesus, Amen.

Pastor Elvis Iverson lives in Omaha, NE USA. He ministers internationally and has a heart for the nations.

Posts: 379 | Location / Country / Region: Omaha, NE USA | Registered: 05 December 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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