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Spiritual Christian Unity

Worldwide Prayer Group


 "Praying for Christian unity 

in love and holiness together in Jesus"

Moderators: Pastor Iverson
For the Success of Christian Unity in Diversity Central
I pray that the Grace and Peace of Jesus be with all of you on the Spiritual Christian Unity Prayer Group Forums.

In this, my first post, I pray that the Holy Spirit of Eternal Divine Love will dwell richly with all of God the Father's adopted children in Christ Jesus, and move their hearts to long for unity in the one Family and Body of Jesus Christ, "so that the world may believe," as Our Lord Jesus prayed (John 17:21-23).

As I have perceived a calling on my heart to, as a member of the Body of Christ, devote my life towards rebuilding that lost Christian unity which Jesus prayed for, I ask all of you, my brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, to pray for me that God gives me wisdom and courage in this work, and provision to continue in it.

As I have recently launched the Christian Unity in Diversity Central website (http://christian-unity-in-diversity.ourchur.ch/)as an instrument for assisting in the rebuilding of Christian unity in diversity, I ask my brothers and sisters in Jesus on this Forum, who apparently share my hunger for Christian unity in God's adopted Family the Church for the world's sake, to pray for the success of this new ministry of Christian education, growth in spiritual maturity in love, and unity "so that the world may believe."

I am very much aware that any Christian ministry can only be successful not as the work of one Christian but as a movement of the Body of Christ the Church united in prayer to the Divine Holy Trinity of Eternal Love. I am thrilled that this Spiritual Christian Unity website and Forum exists already, having a similar calling to my own, a similar burden for unity in the Body of Christ the Church "so that the world may believe" in Christ our Head when it sees the divine love evident between us, the members of His Body. So I ask all of you, my brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, His Father, and His Holy Spirit of Love, to unite with me in prayer for the success of this new ministry of unity and of education in the Eternal Love of the Holy Trinity into whose Eternal Family we have been adopted through Jesus Christ the only-begotten Son of the Father, through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit of our adoption. This ministry I have started will never be successful in its mission of assisting Christian unity "so that the world may believe" unless it is not my work, but the work of the Holy Spirit supported by the Body of Christ united in prayer, and I thank you all for your prayers as my fellow members of the Body of Christ.

Lord of Love, hear this prayer of your Family and your Body, and grant our petition.


Glory Be to Jesus Christ! Glory Be Forever!
- Peter William John Baptiste SFO
Founder, Author
Donum Veritatis - The Gift of Truth Ministries
Christian Unity in Diversity Central
Posts: 1 | Location / Country / Region: Canada | Registered: 30 March 2010Reply With QuoteReport This Post
"Site Moderator"
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Father we pray for the Success of all Christian unity centers and ministry of Christian unity.

In the name of Jesus, we pray amen.


Pastor Elvis Iverson lives in Omaha, NE USA. He ministers internationally and has a heart for the nations.

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Heavenly Father,

We pray together in Christ with our dear brother, Peter William John, "so that the world may believe" in Christ our Head when it sees the divine love evident between us, the members of His Body.

Sweet Father, let the world see us believers praying together with Peter William John here as truly one in the Spirit of Christ living in us on earth, seen in the vast common faith of Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant believers who do agree in the mercy and undeserved grace of God given to us all the same in the gospel message of Jesus.

Seeing us so agree here in what Jesus has done for us all the same, let the world believe in Christ our Head as it hears us unite together in proclaiming the good news of repentance and remission of sins through the blood of Jesus that washes away the sins of us all, thus giving us to begin together as His body growing up together into the Head, growing ever more mature as one on earth in the love and holiness of God in Jesus’ precious name.

Please grant, dear Lord, that our dear Brother Baptiste be given all wisdom and courage and provision to continue the work that you give him to do in his new ministry of Christian education, growth in spiritual maturity in love, and unity of all of God the Father's adopted children in Christ Jesus, in all ways that you, Lord, direct that he may be given to help move their hearts to long for unity in the one Family and Body of Jesus Christ, "so that the world may believe”.

Dear Father in heaven, let your one Holy Spirit of our adoption in love together into the Eternal Family of the Holy Trinity live in Peter William John, and in every one of us believers, in power, and in strength, and in faith for life and work together in your kingdom in which we may serve the whole Body of Christ to help draw us all closer together in your love and holiness in Him.

Bless our brother in all that you lead him to do that we believers may all be one together in the love and holiness of Christ.

This is our prayer united on earth in Jesus’ holy name,

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Posts: 48 | Location / Country / Region: Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA | Registered: 21 November 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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