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Spiritual Christian Unity

Worldwide Prayer Group


 "Praying for Christian unity 

in love and holiness together in Jesus"

Moderators: Pastor Iverson
Endless Prayer for Church Unity Part 12
"Site Moderator"
Endless Prayer for Church Unity Part 12

Father we come to the Throne Room by the Blood of Jesus, Father we love you, Jesus we love you, Holy Spirit we love you, we enter into Christ’s rest, by the Blood of Jesus we see the glory that covers the Face of the Father, we see our Lord Jesus Christ seated next to God the Father praying for us, we see the Seven Burning Flames which is the Holy Spirit, We see the seven lampstands which is the Church, by faith we flow in the Intercession of the Holy Spirit, therefore we flow in the Intercession of our Lord Jesus Christ…
Father we pray the prayer of faith; we pray for all those who are sick in your church. We pray for a healing anointing to pour from heaven upon each one of them. We pray for healing, restoration, and wholeness for every member in the body of Christ.

Father we pray for revival to come to whole body of Christ in every nation, in every city around the world. We pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and we pray for an outpouring of prophecy, visions, and dreams, and we pray for an outpouring of signs and wonders upon your church.

Father we pray for unity and reconciliation to come as waves of grace and mercy upon the church, let the walls of division and strife come down, and let the church be filled with the diversity of Christian unity and the unity of the Spirit.
Father we ask you to gather you church from city to city, from nation to nation and from around the world into Christ’s oneness. Father build highways and byways for unity, reconciliation, and oneness, Father build bridges for unity, reconciliation, and oneness.

Father repair all the breaches in the church through the Holy Spirit, and let Jesus arise as the repairer of the Breach in the church by the Holy Spirit. Father we pray for the restoration of unity, reconciliation, and oneness in the church.

Father we ask you to give us ears to hear the calling of the Spirit saying be one in Christ’s oneness. Father we are called to be one, One Body, One Spirit, One Hope, One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism, One God and Father of all through the work of the Holy Spirit in each one of us and the church around the world.

Father we ask you to make us one in Christ’s oneness. Bring Christ’s oneness to the diversity of the church through the Holy Spirit.
Father, Jesus prayed a prophetic prayer and prophecy that will come to pass before His return: that there will be unity and oneness in the church; and as you make us one and bring to pass unity in the church, love us the way you love Christ, and fill us with such love from you, for you, and for one another, as in unity there is love, and from unity and love there is glory.

Father as you bring unity in the church in every nation and in every city, manifest your love toward us in great and mighty ways, and fill us with such love to love you and love one another. Father we ask you to fill the church with your love in every nation and in every city. As you give us unity and as you give us love, now give us glory. Father fill the church in every place with your glory, that the church will become a glorious church as this has been prophesied about what the church shall be, and the church shall be in unity, in love, and in glory before the return of Christ.
Father we pray for waves of unity to come to the church around the world. Father we pray for waves of unity to come to the church in the nations around the world. Father we pray for waves of unity to come to the church in every city around the world. Father we pray for waves of unity to come to every believer’s heart around the world, oneness in our love for one another, becoming one in love with every believer around the world.
Father we pray for movements of unity to break forth in the church in cities around the world. Father we pray for movements of unity to break forth in the church in every nation around the world. Father we pray for movements of unity to break forth in the church around the world.
Father we pray for a pure river of unity to run down from your Throne upon the church around the world touching every member, every group in Christ. Filling us all with the depth of your love and your unity.

Father we pray let the pure river of unity flow upon every city church in every nation around the world. We pray let the pure river of unity flow upon every national church around the world. We pray let the pure river of unity flow upon the global church around the world.

Father we pray for every person gathered here to pray for unity, let there be a pure river of unity to flow upon each one of us and every person who visits this web site.

Father we pray now let the healing anointing flow upon the body of Christ, let the sick be healed for the glory of Christ, and let the river of healing begin to flow around the world touching every place, and to flow upon the church, every member in Christ.

Father we pray for a pure river of unity to flow upon your church, and we pray let a river of healing flow upon your church. Father we pray for showers of blessings, spiritual breakthroughs, revivals, provisions, and grace upon every member in the body of Christ.

Father we pray for the unity and oneness of the church around the world, we pray in the name of Jesus, Amen.

Pastor Elvis Iverson lives in Omaha, NE USA. He ministers internationally and has a heart for the nations.

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