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Spiritual Christian Unity

Worldwide Prayer Group


 "Praying for Christian unity 

in love and holiness together in Jesus"

Moderators: Pastor Iverson
Endless Prayer for Church Unity Part Four
"Site Moderator"
Endless Prayer for Church Unity Part Four

Father we come to the Throne Room by the Blood of Jesus, Father we love you, Jesus we love you, Holy Spirit we love you, we enter into Christ’s rest, by the Blood of Jesus we see the glory that covers the Face of the Father, we see our Lord Jesus Christ seated next to God the Father praying for us, we see the Seven Burning Flames which is the Holy Spirit, We see the seven lampstands which is the Church, by faith we flow in the Intercession of the Holy Spirit, therefore we flow in the Intercession of our Lord Jesus Christ…
We pray for breakthroughs to rain down from Heaven, this is the time of breakthroughs. We pray for many breakthroughs. Pour out the breakthrough anointing upon the church. Send now armies of breakthrough angels.
We pray for justice to rain down like mighty rivers. Now is the time of much justice, let justice rain down now. We pray for justice, justice is your will, you are a God of justice. Give the Church justice, give your people justice, hear our prayers and crys for help, mercy, justice. You are only one who can help us.
We pray for times of restitution to come to the church. We pray many restitutions to come now. This is beginning of the times of restitutions. Rains and rivers and waves of restitutions.
We pray for rivers and streams of restoration. Rain down restoration, let the rivers of restoration come, let the waves of restoration come, and let the streams of restoration come.
We pray for healing to flow upon us, we pray for healing to overflow upon us, we pray for healing to arise and let healing times come, cover us with your healings, healing come now.
Father this is times of breakthroughs, times of justice, times of restitution, times of restoration and times of healing.
Father we ask you for reconciliation, unity and oneness begin to come to your church.
Father we pray strong unity, great unity, mature unity, and the unity of the faith to begin to come in our time. Pour out the anointing of unity upon us and let it increase more and more until we are as you want us to be one as you are one and as we one with you.
Father we pray for healing love to come upon us as rains, rivers, streams, and floods.
Father we pray for healing joy to come upon us as rains, rivers, streams, and floods.
Father we pray for healing peace to come upon us as rains, rivers, streams, and floods.
Father we pray for healing hope to come upon us as rains, rivers, streams, and floods.
Father we ask you for reconciliation, unity and oneness begin to come to your church.
Father we pray strong unity, great unity, mature unity, and the unity of the faith to begin to come in our time. Pour out the anointing of unity upon us and let it increase more and more until we are as you want us to be one as you are one and as we one with you.
Father we ask send your breakthrough angels….
Send your deliverance angels…
Send your warrior angels…
Send your justice angels…
Send your strong angels…
Send the seven angelic watchers…
Send your financial angels…
Send your revival angels…
Send your healing angels…
Send you harvest angels…
Father we ask you for reconciliation, unity and oneness begin to come to your church.
Father we pray strong unity, great unity, mature unity, and the unity of the faith to begin to come in our time. Pour out the anointing of unity upon us and let it increase more and more until we are as you want us to be one as you are one and as we one with you.
Father we pray love feasts to come, we pray restore the love feasts, let the many love feasts come.
Father we pray for the times of the sacred Assembly to come!!! Let this decade be one of many sacred assembly of prayer, worship, revival, evangelism, apostolic, and prophetic.
Father we pray for the unity and oneness of the church around the world, we pray in the name of Jesus, Amen.

Pastor Elvis Iverson lives in Omaha, NE USA. He ministers internationally and has a heart for the nations.

Posts: 379 | Location / Country / Region: Omaha, NE USA | Registered: 05 December 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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